Wilmington NC: Coaches | Consultants Embrace This New Challenge Published

Wilmington NC: Coaches | Consultants Embrace This New Challenge Published, updated 6/3/22, 7:41 AM


By the end of the One Funnel Away Challenge, you’ll be able to launch it to the world, generate leads, and turn those leads into customers who buy from you again and again!

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Wilmington NC:
Coaches | Consultants
Embrace This New
Challenge Published
Freedom Is Just One Funnel Away! What's A Funnel..? What Exactly Is The Difference
Between A Website And A Sales Funnel? Yes, ClickFunnels was created so that
entrepreneurs, who aren't programmers and who don't know how to code, can easily build
beautiful pages inside a funnel, to grow a company.
It points the customer straight to the ONE
product or service needed most to help solve a
problem and follows-up with visitors, even after
they leave the page! ClickFunnels Are The Tools
And Strategies Needed In One Convenient Spot!
It's a simple drag and drop Webpage editor.
For everyone it's different... For some being stuck in a job they hare, trying to get out. For others,
entrepreneurs with your own company... but you're stuck, and you're not sure why. And for others of
you, you're looking for that one funnel that will help you to have more impact on the world!
The One Funnel Away Challenge is
NOT just some “course” that's never
used.It combines the right marketing
needed to EXECUTE a funnel…
The Strategy: Each day, receive a new mission from Russell, streamed to
the private Facebook group. These private videos will be about 30 minutes
long, and will give the strategy to master for each step needed for success.
Have the ability to network with
and ask questions to coaches as
well as others OFA-ers who are
also going through the challenge!
The Tactics: After the stream ends in the Facebook group, get a given
"One Pager" mission document with the exact step by step tactics needed
to implement and complete that step.
There will be videos showing HOW to
implement the strategy as well as a
digital workbook to help keep everything
clear! These missions will take between
30-60 minutes to complete each day.
Implementation: Not only do one get 30 days of daily video
coaching and accountability… But also LIVE TRAINING
SESSIONS DAILY Monday - Friday with expert OFA consultants.
On these special live trainings, get to
pick some brains and ask ANY
question about funnels, strategies,
offers, tech challenges... It’s like
Every problem you might have, this WILL BE YOUR
For more info go to
Go to the link and see the amazing free bonuses offered with the course!