Batting Timing Drills for Hitting a Baseball or Softball: Fix Late Swings

Batting Timing Drills for Hitting a Baseball or Softball: Fix Late Swings, updated 2/1/22, 5:53 AM

New how-to guide on getting a hitter on-time, even on off speed pitches has been released by the Hitting Performance Lab. Parents, team coaches, and hitting instructors can find the online video guide at:

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Batting Timing Drills for Hitting a Baseball or
Softball: Fix Late Swings
Hitting Performance Lab has
released new how-to guide
videos on how to get a hitter
on-time more often.
This video guide will also have
information useful to anybody facing
the challenge of fixing a hitter with a
late swing, getting a kid to swing
earlier or sooner, and when to start
front foot swing timing.
This most recent how-to video guide
from Hitting Performance Lab
contains precise and detailed steps
and instructions, designed to be
used by parents, team coaches, and
hitting instructors and others who
need it,
...helping them coach their
hitters how to get on-time more
often, even on off speed and
breaking pitches, as quickly,
easily and with as little stress as
Hitting Performance Lab states that
this accessible, easy to follow video
guide provides all of the information
necessary to fully understand the topic,
regardless of age, gender, or skill
level, to get the results they want.
The Full How-To Video
Guide Covers...
'Float' Variance Drill - How
to control a hitters stride with
the purpose of reading the
incoming pitch...
Reaction Time Variance
Challenge - How to train a
hitter to start their swing at
different times, so they can get
on-time more often...
The Art of Variance - How to
coach a hitter, in a way, without
"coaching" them. This is
accomplished by using the brain to
re-calibrate the "feel" for timing
instead of cuing off the pitcher.
"We use these very batting timing drills for
hitting a baseball and softball, to help fix
late swings, get young kids swinging
earlier or sooner because they were late
before, and aid them in getting a better
feel for getting the front foot down on-time,
more often."
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