This Small Loan Service May Save Businesses From Chargeback Financial Losses

This Small Loan Service May Save Businesses From Chargeback Financial Losses, updated 12/23/23, 8:10 PM


Speedy Holdings Group has announced their upcoming Financial Protection Services to combat this growing problem of friendly fraud in the small business sector - and investments in the company are now open. To read more about Speedy Holdings Group and their great services, visit

Financial Protection Services City: Melbourne Address: 65 E Nasa Blvd Website Phone +1 888 318 2986 Email

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This Small Loan Service May Save
Businesses From Chargeback Financial
Friendly fraud impacts thousands of businesses every year, and may
cause damages as severe as loss of access to online payment
services or even bankruptcy.
This is why Speedy Holdings
Group has created their
Financial Protection Services -
to give businesses a buffer in
the event of a chargeback and
avoid dire consequences.
Their service, slated to launch
in 2024, will allows small
businesses to prevent
chargeback-related credit
damage by instead covering
the cost with a small loan.
The services is now
raising capital through
stock sales and direct
fundraising, allowing
investors access to an
opportunity potentially
worth $100 billion.
Thanks to the unique
business model used by
this service, investors
may enjoy 100% returns
on all deployed capital
over a 60-day incubation
Furthermore, the service is slated to expand shortly after launch following
the completion of a patent filing to provide similar protections to debit
This service will provide a unique opportunity for businesses and
investors alike. Read more today on the Speedy Holdings Group
Find Out More At