Kill COVID-19 & Protect Your Atlanta Workplace & Staff

Kill COVID-19 & Protect Your Atlanta Workplace & Staff, updated 8/6/20, 5:27 PM

Total Green Services launches their No Touch System to kill COVID-19 with a three step process: protection at the entrance, on your surfaces, and in the air. Feel safe and protected with the Atlanta commercial cleaning company. Learn more at:

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Kill COVID-19 & Protect Your
Atlanta Workplace & Staff
Total Green Services No Touch
System kills COVID-19 with
their three step process.
Protection at the entrance, on
your surfaces, and in the air.
Be among the first to
implement Total Green
Services 100% No Touch
Disinfecting System!
Total Green Services’ No Touch
System incorporates 10 key
aspects into the contactless
cleaning protocol to ensure
reproduction, interaction, and
spread is eliminated.
Backed by the
Environmental Protection
Agency and the Centers for
Disease Control and
Total Green Services eliminates the
interaction with high-traffic,
compromised surfaces and utilizes
state-of-the-art technology to reduce
the replication and spread of COVID-
19 and other infectious particles.
The Atlanta based commercial
cleaning company's technology
electromagnetically destroys the
integrity of the COVID-19 cell
resulting in complete microbial
The chemicals and technology
are EPA and CDC approved,
aim to target pathogens at the
source in order prevent the
replication and spread.
The only thing our chemicals
are tough on are the pathogens
that can cause harm to your
health and well-being. Safe,
eco-friendly chemicals,
Protect your workplace by
killing COVID-19 and
becoming one of the first to
implement Total Green
Services No Touch System!
We are committed to
Protecting Our People.
Make the call today!
Get in contact about our No
Touch System today at