John M. Fish, Cosmetic Dentist Hildebran, NC Offers Oral Appliance Therapy

John M. Fish, Cosmetic Dentist Hildebran, NC Offers Oral Appliance Therapy, updated 4/5/21, 10:14 PM

Dr. John M. Fish, DDS of Hildebran, NC has published an article on sleep apnea and available dental treatments. The article is aimed at those who want an alternative to CPAP treatment. Read the entire article at:

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John M. Fish, Cosmetic
Dentist Hildebran, NC
Offers Oral Appliance
Dr. John M. Fish, a general dentist specializing in implant and cosmetic
dentistry in the Greater Hickory, NC, area has released an article about
the dental treatment options available for sleep apnea.
Dr. Fish wants to help you
understand sleep apnea,
medical issues it can cause, and
the main types of treatments.
Sleep apnea is a disorder involving the repeated starting and stopping of
breathing while one is sleeping. The condition is not uncommon in the United
States, and it has potential to be very serious.
Complications can include high
blood pressure, heart problems,
and type 2 diabetes, among other
possible health issues.
There are three types of sleep apnea: obstructive sleep
apnea, central sleep apnea, and complex sleep apnea
The most common treatment
is Continuous Positive Airway
Pressure (CPAP).
This involves wearing a mask while sleeping that is attached to a
machine which delivers air pressure to keep your upper airway
The issue with this form of
treatment is that the CPAP
machine is very uncomfortable for
many people.
This is where your dentist may be able to offer an
alternative to CPAP treatment called Oral Appliance
This form of sleep apnea
treatment involves you wearing
custom-made mouthpieces at
If you suffer from sleep apnea and are searching for treatment other than a
CPAP machine, you are encouraged to consult a local doctor or cosmetic
dentist to learn more about Oral Appliance Therapy.
Those in the greater Hickory, NC area
can receive Oral Appliance Therapy to
treat sleep apnea by reaching out to the
office of Dr. John M. Fish, DDS at 828-
397-5514 or visit our website.
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