Marrakesh Digital Tech Conference Helps Morocco Deliver Development In Oct 2022

Marrakesh Digital Tech Conference Helps Morocco Deliver Development In Oct 2022, updated 10/15/22, 4:26 AM

Participation leads to innovation. Find out what the future holds for the tech sector in Morocco at Assises de l'AUSIM. More details can be found at

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Marrakesh Digital Tech Conference Helps
Morocco Deliver Development In Oct 2022
Want to get Morocco moving towards a brighter digital future? Come
along to Assises de l'AUSIM - share ideas and listen to experts discuss
ways to deliver development.
Interested in
Morocco's ongoing
Want to be part of
the conversation
about how to
Get yourself to
this year's
Assises de
l'AUSIM in
The launch of this year's
gathering follows the theme of
'Digital Nation – Unleash The
Potential' and is made
possible by the continuing
patronage of His Majesty King
Mohammed VI.
The conference will focus on a new development model for
state-of-the-art technology within the country's digital
The event will take place between the 26th and the 28th of October and will feature
top experts from across the globe to stimulate discussion and develop a road map
for progress.
Go to for
more details.