Heal The World With Love: Messages From Christ In New Religious Prophesy Book

Heal The World With Love: Messages From Christ In New Religious Prophesy Book, updated 4/8/23, 9:07 AM

“The World in Transition – Messages from Jesus” by Albert J. Fike is now available as a German paperback! The book published by Divine Love Sanctuary offers 20 spiritual lessons spoken by Jesus Himself. Learn more at https://divinelovesanctuary.com

Divine Love Sanctuary Foundation 488 Central Avenue, Gibsons, BC VON1V1, Canada Website https://divinelovesanctuary.com Email nutrimak@comcast.net

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Heal The World With
Love: Messages From
Christ In New Religious
Prophesy Book
Has your faith been struggling lately? Have your prayers been
less enthusiastic of late and more similar to begging? If so,
you are not alone.
A lot of us have been
wondering how to deal with the
current times, and if God really
hears us. 
He does and He affirms this with our newest
Written through the mediumship of
Albert J. Fike, “The World in
Transition – Messages from Jesus” is
the latest best-selling book by Divine
Love Sanctuary. 
Now, it can be appreciated in its German translation thanks to Helge
and Henning Mercker who diligently ensured that the words of Jesus
were correctly translated into easy-to-read stories. 
The new translation offers the
same messages of love and
hope – especially during these
troubling times. 
According to Fike, Jesus spoke through him to warn of false prophets
and to deliver 20 lessons that you can learn to ease your journey for the
next few years. 
The book comes at an apt time, as
emerging data notes a rapidly
decreasing number of people who
believe in any type of religion.
As people question their faith and proclaim themselves to be
atheists or agnostics, the faithful are called to spread the
messages of God.
From the very beginning, Fike was told
by Jesus to write a book about what he
would learn so that others would
understand that they are not alone, as
long as they continue to believe in one
The lessons range from simple to profound, but with the
same underlying message of love. 
Fike says that Jesus wants
society to tap into this universal
emotion to heal themselves and
the world. 
Go to https://divinelovesanctuary.com to learn