What are the general consequences of a DUI conviction in the state of Florida?

What are the general consequences of a DUI conviction in the state of Florida?, updated 2/24/21, 6:24 PM

Individuals that have found themselves being charged with a DUI Offense https://camadecolawgroup.com/your-first-florida-dui-conviction-what-do-i-do-2/.

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What are the general consequences of a DUI
conviction in the state of Florida?
Criminal Defense Law Firm - DUI Defense
Lawyer , Camadeco Law Group, has published a
new how-to guide dedicated to helping
Individuals that have found themselves being
charged with a DUI Offense What are the
general consequences of a DUI conviction in the
state of Florida? There are several DUI laws
The Full How-To Guide
Covers: What are the general
consequences of a DUI
conviction in the state of
Florida? - Each state within the
follows the same baseline
limit at 0.08 percent for the
blood/breath alcohol
What is the difference between
a DUI and a DWI? - In the state
of Florida, DUI stands for
Driving Under the Influence and
DWI stands for Driving While
Some states like to be technical
with the charge itself in saying that
DWI is strictly due to alcohol while
DUI can include drugs, alcohol,
and any prescribed or illegal
In order to be rightly convicted of
a DUI, the judicial system is
responsible to prove that you
were obviously impaired while in
complete physical control of the
The state of Florida, as well as the
rest of the U.S., uses a combination
of breathalyzer tests, blood tests,
field sobriety tests, as well as the
law enforcement observations to
determine impairment.
What Criminal Charges and
Penalties might I face as a First-
Time DUI Offender? - If you have no
substantial prior criminal history,
your penalties might not be as great
as someone who does have other
For a first-time DUI offense, you
may be assigned up to a $1,000
fine, up to a six month jail
sentence, a possible six month
driving suspension, and extended
community service hours.
For second, third, and fourth
DUI convictions, the jail
sentences, assigned fines,
probationary periods, and
license suspensions are all
dramatically increased.
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