Improve Your Scottsdale, AZ Local Search Results With Expert Google Maps SEO

Improve Your Scottsdale, AZ Local Search Results With Expert Google Maps SEO, updated 7/29/21, 3:41 PM

As local search engine optimization becomes an increasingly important consideration, Phoenix, Arizona-based Phoenix SEO Geek (480-842-5055) launches its Omni Maps Protocol, helping Google Maps business listings achieve results across a wider area. Go to for more information!

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Improve Your Scottsdale, AZ Local Search
Results With Expert Google Maps SEO
Is your business missing out on clients
through Google Maps? Phoenix, Arizona-
based search engine optimization
specialist Phoenix SEO Geek has
launched its Omni Maps Protocol
technology for local businesses in
Scottsdale, Tempe, Mesa, and
surrounding areas.
Utilizing a 203-step process formulated over
many years, the recently launched system
provides businesses with what Phoenix SEO
Geek refers to as ‘local place authority’ (TM);
a significantly greater degree of Google Map
visibility throughout the surrounding
metropolitan area.
According to statistics reported
by the online magazine
SocialMediaToday, the Google
Maps application has around 5
billion downloads and
approximately 1 billion monthly
Searches using some
variation of the term “near
me” grew by almost 100%
from 2019 to 2020.
These statistics help to illustrate
the increasing importance of
location in traditional search
engine optimization approaches,
with Google Maps playing a
central role.
Having provided expert Map
SEO services since 2005,
Phoenix SEO Geek now offers
Omni Maps Protocol as a means
for businesses to improve their
local footprint.
In response to searches for
products or services “near me”,
Google Maps provides users with
business listings in the
immediate vicinity, based on their
current location.
From a business marketing and
SEO standpoint, that vicinity can
be relatively limited, meaning that
a business may not be visible in
searches that are occurring in
neighboring city districts.
The new ‘local place authority’ (TM)
services from Phoenix SEO Geek
addresses this limitation, helping
businesses to appear across a much
broader portion of the metropolitan
area, as well as achieving higher
rankings in those search results.
Phoenix SEO Geek suggests that
the new Omni Maps Protocol
(TM) can provide business
owners with the highest return on
investment compared to any
other internet marketing channel.
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