Help Your Child Succeed With This Financial Education Online Training Program

Help Your Child Succeed With This Financial Education Online Training Program, updated 10/5/20, 4:15 PM

FUNancial Freedom announced the launch of the "Rethink Money For Children And Teens" program, a comprehensive financial education online program for young students between the ages of 7 and 17. Go to for more info!

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Help Your Child Succeed With This Financial
Education Online Training Program
If you feel like your children could
benefit from some financial education,
this new online program is the solution
for you! FUNancial Freedom
announced the launch of a new online
financial learning program for children
and teens.
The "Rethink Money For
Children And Teens" program
can teach young students
between the ages of 7 and 17
the essentials of financial
The newly launched financial
learning program at FUNancial
Freedom aims to help teach
your child and teenager how to
become financially smart.
Financial education is one
of the most important
lessons to teach your
Financial literacy and money
management are vital life skills
as they prepare your children to
achieve their personal financial
and life goals.
Many adults feel
inadequate to teach their
children about money.
The team at FUNancial Freedom
strive to provide parents,
grandparents, or any other adults
with the tools they need to help
their child or teen master
financial education.
The "Rethink Money For
Children And Teens" program
was designed to provide fun
and engaging financial
education to children and
The program encourages
your children to develop
lifelong savings habits at a
young age.
This new program is an excellent
opportunity for children and teens
who want to be three steps ahead
when they enter the workforce and
for younger children who want to
start a business or increase their