Are you experiencing neuropathic pain caused by a herniated or bulging disc? Contact Alessi Functional Health (813-280-4084) to find out about their spinal decompression therapy.
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Alessi Functional Health City: Tampa Address: 800 W Dr Martin Luther King Jr Blvd Suite #3, Website Phone +15184063323 Email
Spinal Decompression Therapy In Seminole
Heights: Neuropathic Pain Relief
The chiropractors at Alessi Functional Health can
safely alleviate your spinal pressure using disc
decompression therapy, which targets your
neuropathic pain at its source.
If you're suffering from a bulging,
degenerative, or herniated disc,
or if you have a pinched nerve or
sciatica, schedule an
appointment at the clinic.
Using non-surgical
spinal decompression
therapy, Dr. Alessi will
alleviate pain and
tension in your spine,
neck, and surrounding
muscles and tissues.
During treatment
sessions, Dr. Alessi
will manipulate and
gently stretch your
spine using a
machine that applies
This will create vacuum-like
negative pressure in your
spinal discs which can help to
draw bulging material back
inside the disc, reducing
pressure on your spinal cord.
By improving oxygenation
and correcting misalignment,
the therapy targets the numb,
tingling, or painful sensations
that spinal issues can cause
throughout your body
Alessi Functional Health will use
chiropractic techniques to address
the root cause of your symptoms,
helping you feel better and improve
your mobility - and your quality of
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Heights: Neuropathic Pain Relief
The chiropractors at Alessi Functional Health can
safely alleviate your spinal pressure using disc
decompression therapy, which targets your
neuropathic pain at its source.
If you're suffering from a bulging,
degenerative, or herniated disc,
or if you have a pinched nerve or
sciatica, schedule an
appointment at the clinic.
Using non-surgical
spinal decompression
therapy, Dr. Alessi will
alleviate pain and
tension in your spine,
neck, and surrounding
muscles and tissues.
During treatment
sessions, Dr. Alessi
will manipulate and
gently stretch your
spine using a
machine that applies
This will create vacuum-like
negative pressure in your
spinal discs which can help to
draw bulging material back
inside the disc, reducing
pressure on your spinal cord.
By improving oxygenation
and correcting misalignment,
the therapy targets the numb,
tingling, or painful sensations
that spinal issues can cause
throughout your body
Alessi Functional Health will use
chiropractic techniques to address
the root cause of your symptoms,
helping you feel better and improve
your mobility - and your quality of
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