Texas Residents: Know the Perks of Going Solar

Texas Residents: Know the Perks of Going Solar, updated 4/5/21, 7:20 PM

Spark Solar: As electric bills go up, we find a way to bring them back down.

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Texas Residents: Know the Perks of
Going Solar
We've all seen solar panels at one point in our lives.
If it's six on your neighbor's house or thousands on a solar farm, you
may have thought that if solar is so great why doesn't everyone rely
on solar? Because most people are fine with the energy they get from
the electrical company.
Spark Solar is here to say that going solar can not
only cut down on your bill, but you can get paid for the
energy you produce.
Now Texas gets more sun than most of
our 49 neighbors so how does solar
energy work? Once installed, the solar
panels collect the photons given off by
the sunlight.
When light energy strikes the panels,
electrons are pushed to the inverter,
which converts the energy from DC to
AC so it can be used in your home.
The inverter feeds the main service panel, which sends electricity
through circuit breakers to the various light fixtures and outlets.
At night, the Solar panels go on standby
and your house consumes electricity much
like a regular house would, unless you
install a solar battery for your panels to
store energy into.
What else can solar do? Solar Panel
Efficient - Solar can cut down your
electricity bill by 50% to even 100%.
As energy rates go up, we find ways to bring them down.
Keep you and your family safe by providing
your home with electricity during power
outages Spark Solar is here for each Texan
looking to cut down their electric bill and not
rely on the energy grid.
Making solar easy is what we do
and with our free DIY process you
can have an estimate within
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