7 Fun Pirate Facts and Myths

7 Fun Pirate Facts and Myths, updated 11/24/21, 7:05 AM

Everyone has something that fascinates them. If you’ve watched Pirates of the Caribbean, you’re probably wondering how much of the movie is true to historical pirates. We’ve gathered pirate facts and pirate myths for the buccaneer in you!

Experience what it's like to be a pirate on a real pirate ship with Sunshine Scenic Tours' Royal Conquest! Contact us at (727)-423-7824 or visit https://boattoursjohnspass.com/ for inquiries.



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7 Fun Pirate Facts and Myths

B L O G | S U N S H I N E S C E N I C T O U R S
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Not everyone knows whether what we
see in pirate movies and what we read
in novels are true. Of course, they had
pirate ships, but did they genuinely
spend all their time at sea? It’s not
undeniable that movies and novels
have painted the images of how people
imagine pirates to be. One thing’s for
sure; there’s more to pirates than gold
coins, eye patches, and wooden
Here are some myths and fun facts
about pirates:
Myth: Pirates didn’t fight as hard as
they should.
Pirate movies weren’t able to justify
how hard pirates fought in real life.
their goal to steal the
treasure without fighting other pirates
is true. But, when they can’t stop the
fighting, pirates fought aggressively. It
is the key to becoming a pirate
captain. Jack Sparrow wouldn’t even
come close to how ruthless real pirates
Fact: There were female pirates, but
they were considered weak.
Did you know; female pirates had to
disguise themselves as men to protect
themselves? Although there were
female pirates who made a name for
themselves, many
women weren’t capable of conquering
other ships. When you read pirate
history, almost every pirate was male.
Myth: Walking the plank is their form
of punishment.
Pirate movies from Peter Pan to
Pirates of the Caribbean showed that
pirates punished anyone who gets in
their way by walking the plank
blindfolded and taunting them with
sharp swords if they try to refuse.
However, there’s little to no truth to
that at all. What real pirates did in
history was way worse.
Their punishment was either killing
them immediately or keelhauling.
What happens with keelhauling is that
the pirates tie their victims with a rope
while dragging them under the ship.
The hulls of the vessels are often full
of debris. Dragging the victim back
and forth can result in fatal wounds.
Others died due to a lack of oxygen.
Fact: Real pirates didn’t say “Ahoy!” or
This pirate
fact will have you
scratching your head. As much as you
want to imagine them speaking in this
“pirate slang,” they didn’t. Although
they had a particular code among
pirates, most of the pirate slang you
know comes from Hollywood.
Myth: There are no pirates these days.
The idea that pirates are no longer
around is a common misconception.
However, pirates still conquer the high
seas somewhere in the Indian Ocean
or the Pacific. Some parts of the world
still have to deal with losses due to
piracy. The
similarities between
pirates before and now is that they
kidnap, torture, and kill their victims.
Of course, dominating ships and
stealing their cargo is a given.
Fact: Pirates’ codes and rules vary
from one ship to another.
To maintain order on their ships,
pirates have guidelines about almost
anything. They have rules for the
division of
punishment, chores to do on the ship,
and their roles. The more ruthless a
pirate captain is, the more likely other
pirates will respect him.
Myth: Pirates bury their treasure.
As much as this was portrayed in
novels and movies, burying treasure is
a pirate myth. Pirates want to have a
taste of their loot before hiding it.
Contrary to popular belief, not every
pirate treasure is full of gold coins and
pieces of jewelry. Their loot often
includes cloth, animal hides, lumber,
and food.
Pirates know that they lead a perilous
life. It is only natural that they wanted
to spend their loot on leisure activities.
Most pirates spend their share on
alcohol and women, not worrying
much about their future.
Isn’t it interesting? If you want to
gather with other pirate aficionados
to discuss fun facts about pirates,
history, and myths, why not add the
pirate “feel”
that everyone will
certainly love. At Sunshine Scenic
Tours, we know just the best way to
do it. We have a pirate cruise that
can accommodate all of you.
However, if you’re looking to unwind
and steer clear from anything pirate-y,
we also have the best sunset dolphin
cruise in St. Pete Beach, FL. Feel the
sea breeze, watch the dolphins, and
take in the beautiful sunset. You’ll feel
all your stress lift off your shoulders.
Give us a call now!
((727) 423-7824