SomaLife Releases Fascinating Video Concerning its Brand.

SomaLife Releases Fascinating Video Concerning its Brand., updated 10/21/21, 1:27 AM

SomaLife, in British Columbia, has gone above and beyond in its desire to conquer the market by publishing a fascinating video giving details on how the brand is expanding worldwide. You can learn more at SomaLife/Video.

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SomaLife Releases
Fascinating Video
Concerning its
SomaLife, in British Columbia, publishes a fascinating
video giving details on how the brand is expanding
Learn how Marlies White was
inspired to start her business and
how SomaLife products promote
better choices for others.
The 23-year-old company, summarizes its ideals and product
development approach as designed by its forward-thinking founder,
Marlies White.
According to the video, the SomaLife
brand originated from Marlies' quest
for products that improve an
individual's overall health and quality
of life.
This search led to a partnership with her co-founder
and husband, Dr. Philip White.
An ivy league-educated medical
doctor with extensive experience
in studying hormones, vitamins,
and antioxidants.
Through their partnership, the pair developed SomaLife's
unique range of products. 
Using a combination of Dr. White's
work and input assembled from a
team of researchers, scientists,
and medical doctors.
Marlies continued managing the company after Dr.
White's death.
And outlined a stable course
for expansion, including pet
health, that continues still.
She has since become an established author and built
SomaLife's portfolio of products.
Marlies has shown how an
empowered woman can take over
the reins and expand a business
successfully despite a great
personal loss.
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