HC Wheelchair Football Tournament Sponsorship Package 061322

HC Wheelchair Football Tournament Sponsorship Package 061322, updated 6/13/22, 6:30 PM

collectionsParks' Projects

About Friends of County Parks

The Friends of the County Parks, established in 1988, is a group of concerned citizens joining together to promote financial and community support to the Hillsborough County Parks, Recreation, and Conservation Department. They develop public awareness of recreation as an important part of day-to-day life. 

Funds provided by The Friends of the County Parks are used as a supplement to the Parks, Recreation and Conservation Department budget and does not replace allocated tax dollars. These additional funds helps maintain, improve, and enhance services provided by the Parks, Recreation and Conservation Department. The Friends of the County Parks enjoys a 501 (c) (3) not-for-profit exemption status.

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H I L L S B O R O U G H C O U N T Y A D A P T I V E S P O R T S ,
F R I E N D S O F T H E C O U N T Y P A R K S , A N D M O V E
U N I T E D P R E S E N T :
Associate your brand with one of the most exciting
sports in America. Adaptive athletes will be competing
at the national level in a state-of-the-art facility in a
bustling downtown district.
Innovation. Access. Equity.
August 26 - 28, 2022
Tampa Convention Center
Sponsorship Opportunities
Full page recognition in event program
Sponsor-provided promotional items in athlete packets
Priority logo placement on event t-shirt
10x20 booth at events (Friday, Saturday, Sunday)
Priority placement of sponsor-provided banner at all events
(Friday, Saturday, and Sunday)
Verbal recognition
Priority logo placement on 5 x 12 ft tournament banner
Logo placement on 3’ x 5’ ft court decals
Speaker opportunity at Opening Ceremony
Logo on step-and-repeat to be used for photo opportunities
Friday, Saturday, and Sunday
Logo on awards. Representative may also assist with award
Opportunity for sponsor staff and family members to serve as
volunteers on day of choice
Recognition plaque
Half page recognition in event program
Sponsor-provided promotional items in athlete packets
Logo on event t-shirt
10x10 space at events (Friday, Saturday, and Sunday)
Sponsor- provided banner at all events
Verbal recognition
Logo placement on 5 x 12 ft tournament banner
Logo placement on 3 x 5 ft sideline decals
Opportunity for sponsor staff and family members to serve as
volunteers on day of choice
Quarter page recognition in event program
Sponsor-provided promotional items in athlete packets
Logo on event t-shirt
10x10 space at event (Saturday and Sunday)
Sponsor-provided banner at events (Saturday and Sunday)
Verbal recognition
Logo in event program
Sponsor-provided promotional items in athlete packets
Hydration Sponsor
Friday Banquet Sponsor
Athlete Meal Sponsor
Medical Tent Sponsor
Transportation Sponsor
Towel Sponsor
The Hillsborough County Wheelchair Football Buccaneers are
athletes with Hillsborough County Adaptive Sports. The team is
one of nine to play in the first USA Wheelchair Football League
and is the only team representing a government agency.
Sponsorship Form
Organization Name:
Contact Number:
Sponsorship Level:
Is your sponsorship monetary, in kind, or both?
If you would like to sponsor in-kind or both, please describe
your sponsorship and its value.
Sponsors may not sell products or services at county activities. Sponsors
may not mention or display materials that include price information or that
make reference to sponsors' competitors. Sponsors' displayed materials
and presentations are subject to review by the County on the day of the
event and are subject to the county's sponsorship policy. Hillsborough
County Government possesses sole and final decision-making authority to
determine the appropriateness of a sponsorship relationship, and reserved
the right to refuse to enter into any proposed sponsorship contract or

Please email completed form with a high-resolution version of your logo to
Alison Hughes at HughesA@HCFLGov.net by August 1. Invoices will be sent
by Friends of the County Parks and Recreation.