Exopolitics 04 05.pdf

Exopolitics 04 05.pdf, updated 2/20/23, 1:29 AM


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Tag Cloud

P.O. BOX 203 * W.HURLEY, NY 12491
(845) 679-6885 Fax (845) 679-3060
1. Exopolitics
Dr. Michael Salla
2. Hidden Empire: Underground Bases and Tunnel Systems
Dr. Richard Sauder
3. Beyond Top Secret: UFOs and USOs (Unidentified Submarine Objects)
Timothy Good
4. Corso Comes to Italy: The UFO Connection
Paola Harris
5. National Security and UFOs: The Foundation Years – 1941 to 1973
Richard Dolan
6. The Untold History of the Disclosure Project
Dr. Steven Greer
7. The Legacy of Col. Philip J. Corso – Part 1
Philip Corso, Jr.
8. Secret History of the United Kingdom’s UFO Project
Nick Pope
9. The MJ-12 Documents: Where Do They Lead?
Dr. Robert Wood & Ryan Wood
10. Col. Philip Corso and the Politics of Disclosure
Dr. William Birnes
11. Glimpses of Disclosure: The Other Side of the Cover-Up
Grant Cameron
12. Security Matter – X: The UFO/FBI Connection
Dr. Bruce Maccabee
13. MJ-12 Committee of the Majority: The Strange Death of James Forrestal
Peter Robbins
14. Rule by Secrecy: Exopolitics and Secret Societies
Jim Marrs
15. The Nexus of Exopolitics and Global Peace
Dr. C. B. Scott Jones
16. UFOs: The Cosmic Watergate Continues
Stanton Friedman
17. The Firestorm: Dr. James E. McDonald’s Fight for UFO Science
Ann Druffel
18. Area 51: America’s Secret Space Base?
William Hamilton
19. UFO Crash Retrievals: Secrets Kept in the Interest of U.S. National Security
Linda Moulton Howe
20. News Media Complicity and the Truth Embargo
Terry Hansen
21. The Making of the Movie “Roswell”
Paul Davids
WS-1 The Case for Reverse Engineering of Alien Technology
William Hamilton
WS-2 The U.S. Government’s Amazing Remote Viewing Program and the ET Connection
Jim Marrs
WS-3 1952: Washington, DC and the Year of the UFO
Dr. Bruce Maccabee
WS-4 Show Me the Evidence: Investigative UFO Science and Bismuth/Magnesium
Layering of Artifact From White Sands, New Mexico in 1947
Linda Moulton Howe
WS-5 UFO Cover-Up: Debunking the Debunkers
Stanton Friedman
WS-6 The Media Connection on the Road to Disclosure
Paul Davids
WS-7 Secrecy is Terrorism: The Extraterrestrial Truth Embargo
Dr. Steven Greer
WS-8 Col. Corso and the Italian Connection: The Media Coverage of the
UFO Phenomena in Italy – An International Perspective
Paola Harris
WS-9 Beyond Top Secret: Extraordinary Cases of Extraterrestrial Contact
Timothy Good
WS-10 The Day After Corso
Dr. William Birnes
WS-11 MJ-12 Document Authentication Workshop
Dr. Robert Wood & Ryan Wood
WS-12 Britain’s Continuing UFO Project
Nick Pope
WS-13 The Legacy of Col. Philip J. Corso – Part 2
Philip Corso, Jr.
WS-14 National Security and UFOs: The Recent Years – 1973 to the Present
Richard Dolan
Richard Hoagland
KEYNOTE (One Tape)
Stephen Bassett
Keynote Address
Monsignor Corrado Balducci
T1-1. William Jefferson Clinton, James Earl Carter,
Jr. And the Politics of Disclosure
Grant Cameron
T1-2. Hollywood and Exopolitics:Human/Alien Relations
in the Movies vs. the New Emerging Reality
Paul Davids
T1-3. Do They Have a Prime Directive?
James Deardorff, Ph.D.
Inflation Theory Implications for Extraterrestial Visitations (Two Tapes)
Bruce Maccabee, Ph.D.
T1-4. How UFO Secrecy Has Damaged American Society and Politics
Richard Dolan
The Whistleblowers; Expert Witness Testimony
Paola Harris
T1-6. Could Christianity Accommodate a Genuine Extraterrestrial Realty?
Michael Heiser, Ph.d.
Seeing WAS Believing: The Making of a Researcher/Activist
Lynne D. Kitei, MD
T1-8. Covert Intelligence Involvement of Surveillance of ET-Contact Witnesses
Melinda Leslie
T1-9. What’s in the Basement of the “Secret Empire”?
Richard Sauder, Ph.D.
T1-10 Exopolitics: Politics, Government and Law in the Universe
Alfred L. Webre, JD
T1-11. Operation Majestic Twelve: The Crashes, The Reverse
Engineering and the Cover-Up
Robert & Ryan Wood
P-1. Pilots’ Panel
Bethune, Coote, Courant, Daniels & Durant
P-2. Exopolitics Panel
Andrus, Bassett, Bethune, Cameron, Coote, Courant, Deardorff,
Dolan, Daniels, Druffel, Durant, Friedman, Hall, Harris,
Greenewald, Heiser, Kitei, Leslie, Maccabee, Salla, Sauder, Sereda,
Robert & Ryan Wood & Webre
T2-1. Thirty Five Years of MUFON
Walter Andrus
T2-2. The Brave New World of Modern Media:
How the Rules Have Changed in Hollywood
Paul Davids
T2-3. Ours of Theirs? A Basic Question about UFOs
Richard Dolan
T2-5. Government UFO Lies
Stanton Friedman
T2-6. The Black Vault’s Quest for the Truth
John Greenewald, Jr.
T2-7. The Tall Whites
Charles James Hall
T2-8. Taking Ufology Out of the Dark Ages: The Emergence of Exopolitics
and the Need for our Species to Develop a Philosophy for Eventual Contact
Paola Harris
Intelligence Monitoring of ET-Contact Witnesses:
The Experiences & Exopolitical Implications
Melinda Leslie
T2-10. 65 Years of Research
Maccabee & Deardorff
T2-11. Pilots’ Discussion and Q & A
Bethune, Coote, Courant, Daniels & Durant
T2-12. An Exopolitical Analysis of the Motivations and Activities of
Extraterrestrial Races Interacting with Humanity
Michael Salla, Ph.D.
T2-13. What Lies Under the Nation’s Capital?
Richard Sauder, Ph.D.
T2-14. NASA UFOs
David Sereda
T2-15. Majestic Twelve Workshop:
Introduction to the Majestic Documents and Their Authenticity
Robert & Ryan Wood